Evaluation High Risk

The phone number 0431125750 comes from Canberra in Australia (according to area code 0431)

Is the phone number 0431125750 a spam call? The following are public information about the phone number the user's rating about the caller's risk, and comments. I hope this information can help you determine if the 0431125750 trustworthy!

Details about the phone number

International format: +61431125750/ 0061431125750
City: Canberra
State/Province: Australia
Phone Type: Mobile
Registrant Company:
Local Time: UTC+08:00 - UTC+10:00 16:14:10
76 Number of votes
21 Reports

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21 User Messages

Fraud Call

Con artist Full of lies dishonestWill say Do a nothing hero get your moneyBlock this caller Crazy women

account_circleNicole 3 month ago

Fraud Call

Don’t trust to this number or the callerMoney SCAM

account_circlePeter 3 month ago

Fraud Call

Financial service scam

account_circleMatt 3 month ago

Fraud Call

This scammer has been selling in gumtree stolen goodsShoes handbags clothes jewelleryShe makes out the goods a hers and no longer wants themRight! Size 39 Black Gucci boots women when her foot size when only looks size 7 not size 9This is TheftShe will only sell the stolen goods for cash money and when she meets you todo the exchange she wears a blonde wig over her brown hair to disguise her identityCalls herself Amanda probably a fake name since she has a fake personality and character

account_circleSara 3 month ago

Fraud Call

Survey scammer

account_circleHolly 3 month ago

Fraud Call

Massive drug lordInsurance fraud

account_circleBelinda 3 month ago

Fraud Call

Bitcoin scamDon’t answer her calls Compulsive liar

account_circlePadilla 3 month ago

Fraud Call

This stupid bitch is so twisted and stuffed up in her head.Calls us up Pretending to be from the ATO office and wanting our credit card details please bitch get a fucking job and a life.

account_circleGina 3 month ago

Fraud Call

Bitcoin scammer. Dishonest woman with a lot of problems issues and trauma stay well clear and away from the scammer.

account_circleMark 3 month ago

Fraud Call

Bitcoin scammer Thieves fraud and theft

account_circleSue 3 month ago

Missed Call

Compulsive liar

account_circleSally 3 month ago

Fraud Call

Do not trust this girl, his needs to be under investigation from Victoria Police for fraud and personal belonging theft along with other serious crimes she has committed. Selling stolen items; shoes handbags clothing jewellery and accessories on gumtree eBay and Facebook for cash money. Dirty thief trying to sell stolen goods to me over the phone then asking me to meet her at the State library to do the exchange. She uses fake names fake email addresses and Uses different Sim card numbers. She told me she was selling items from a deceased mother I believe these items have been stolen from someone or somewhere they look all too good and in perfect condition for a young 20-year-old girl to be selling secretly. I purchased the $4000 Gucci handbag off her and she only accept cash payment. I don’t know where she’s getting all these expensive brands handbags shoes accessories and clothes and jewellery from they have to be stolen or from someone or somewhere and I don’t believe it’s from the deceased mother she claims. When she walked off she dropped the notebook out of her schoolbag I picked it up and I found her details

account_circleJustin 3 month ago

Missed Call

Do not trust a scammer, she’s under investigation from Victoria Lolice for fraud and personal belonging theft along with other serious crimes she has committed. Selling stolen items; shoes handbags clothing jewellery and accessories on gumtree eBay and Facebook for cash money. Dirty thief

account_circleSue 3 month ago

Fraud Call

Compulsive liar female serial killer that blames other people for her own mental issues, problems and depression in life. Stop harassing, threatening and calling random people with your fake money fraud online businesses scam.You have been reported to Victoria Police. Spoiled little twisted tart.

account_circleDavid 3 month ago

Fraud Call

Criminals that plan and set up pre-meditated murders and make it look like suicidal’s. Criminals that give massive cash payouts to police offices along too others to cover up and close off the crime cases quickly so they can collect the deceased financial heritage. They target families that has massive financial Inheritance, they kill everyone-one by one then start collecting their money and keeping it for themselves. All the victims a attack and killed the same way: In the middle of nowhere, smashed up on the left side of the skull, facial and upper body, left side only from a baseball bat. Leaving the victims to suffer a heart attack or stroke. These criminals a running financial schemes along with their drug dealing and trafficking.They’re linked with the Brunswick Muslim Italian/Turkish mafia gang to NSW Griffith Italian/Indian mafia gang. Live by the sword die, die by the sword is their motto. They also run a drug business. Smuggling cocaine marijuana ecstasy pills inside wine bottles/distributing them around vineyard and winery farms Bendigo Shepparton Ballarat through to Canberra Batemans Bay Griffith Wagga Wagga.The old man of this loser gang mob has serious Mental health issues and something not right in his brain! Probably depression schizophrenia bipolar maybe all of them.

account_circleKim 3 month ago

Missed Call


account_circleSusie 3 month ago

Missed Call

Cold caller cannot be trusted

account_circleAdam 3 month ago

Fraud Call

Female caller: very abusive, aggressive and bullying over the phone. financial scam.

account_circleNate 3 month ago

Missed Call

Serial killers

account_circleSteve 3 month ago

Missed Call

Drug lord and mafia

account_circlePeter 3 month ago

Missed Call

Criminal Internet scammer

account_circleAndy 3 month ago